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Ashwaganda 1:1 Extract - Whithania Somnifera

HEALTHSHOP -> Creativity
Ashwaganda 1:1 Extract - Whithania Somnifera
Afbeelding 2
Article number: 0207834

€ 14,95 (Incl.VAT)

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This Indian miracle root (Ashwaganda), or in Ayurvedic "Indian Ginseng", is praised for its medicinal properties. This root has many positive effects on the human body and mind. For example, the Ashwagandha is said to have a beneficial effect on cell aging, positive mood, endurance, better memory and cognition. The Ashwaganda 1: 1 extract - Whithania somnifera extract also has anti-anxiety, stress and anti-inflammatory properties. The Ashwaganda root also works as a light aphrodisiac for both the female and male sex. The Ashwaganda root is a true gift from the Gods!


Whithania somnifera (Ashwaganda)


Do not take more than 5 to 10 drops under the tongue. Supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet.


  • Slows down the aging process
  • Mild aphrodisiac effect
  • Supports memory
  • Stimulates the thought process
  • Relieves stress, anxiety and anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-depressant effect
  • Storage advice

    Keep this product in a dark cool place such as a kitchen cupboard and out of the reach of children .


    Global Herbs Wholesale Ashwaganda (Whithania somnifera) 1: 1 extract - 10 ml.

    Pay attention!

    Not to be used in case of psychological problems, the use of medication or during pregnancy.

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