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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Madagascar - 10 Seeds

SMARTSHOP -> Exotic Seeds
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Madagascar - 10 Seeds
Afbeelding 2
Article number: 0210630

€ 5,95 (Incl.VAT)

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A beautiful plant with LSD-like effects. The Baby Hawaiian Woodrose Madagascar seeds are stronger than the traditional psychedelic Argyreia Nervosa which origins from Central and South America. These LSA seeds are very powerful but a lot milder than LSD. The psychedelic seeds of this plant with beautiful calyx-like purple to lilac colored flowers, have been used throughout history by shamans for their entheogenic effect. This unique and strong variety of Baby Hawaiian Woodrose seeds are able to provide you with new spiritual insights.


Baby Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds Madagascar (Argyreia Nervosa).


LSA works into consciousness like many other tryptamine hallucinogens. The hallucinogenic effects are similar to an alcohol intoxication but with psychedelic visual, hallucinatory effects and more intense colors. The effect lasts 6-8 hours.


The Madagascar seeds are a strong variety of the Baby Hawaiian Woodrose. The seeds can be eaten and do not take any more 4 to 5 seeds for a hallucinogenic visionary experience of about 8 hours. Due to the strong effects, we advise beginners not to use more than 3 seeds.

  • Light trip: 3 Madagascar LSA seeds
  • Milde trip: 5 Madagascar LSA seeds
  • Strong trip: 10 Madagascar LSA seeds
Step 1
Remove any remaining skins and make the seeds as fine as possible with a knife or scissors. They can also be ground with a coffee grinder.

Step 2
Put them in a cup and pour half a cup of hot but not boiling water left. It is best to use distilled water as tap water and mineral water contain minerals that can reduce the action of the seeds.

Step 3
Let it rest for at least 1½ hours until the water has returned to room temperature. The alkaloids dissolve in the water at a certain temperature that is reached at some point during cooling.

Step 4
Drink the water along with the seed material.

Storage advice

Keep this product in a cool and dark place like a kitchen cupboard and out of the reach of children.


Baby Hawaiian Woodrose seeds Madagascar - 10 seeds.


The Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Madagascar seeds can be hazardous to health when combined be taken with certain medications, alcohol, or with MAO inhibitors. Are you on medication? Always consult your doctor first and read the package leaflet of your medication to prevent health risks. Also, do not use the seeds if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Handle these unique seeds responsibly and therefore do not participate in traffic when using them.

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