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Have you been asked to be a trip sitter for someone? You might be wondering what exactly that entails. When you go tripsitting, you are watching a person who is tripping. It is an important role and therefore it is helpful if you know what is expected of you. In this blog, we explain all the things you need to pay attention to.

What to look out for when you are a trip sitter?

Friends of yours have asked you if you would like to be a trip sitter. Is your head overflowing with questions now? Because what exactly is a trip sitter and what are the duties? If you are a trip sitter, you are present when your friend(s) are tripping. You yourself, however, stay sober and do not use booze or drugs. You keep an eye on safety during their trip, checking that everyone is comfortable and that the trip is going a bit enjoyable. If everything goes okay, you may not actually have that much to do. But that's just as well, because it means your friends are in higher spirits and having the time of their lives. So what should you pay attention to when you are a trip sitter?

  • Make sure you are familiar with the drugs your friend(s) will be taking, be it magic mushrooms, LSA or a Mescaline cactus. Then you will be aware of possible effects and won't be shocked by certain behaviours or reactions.
  • Agree in advance on how much responsibility you will take on. Think about what you will do if an emergency were to occur.
  • Take something with you that you can occupy yourself with. A trip can last several hours, so then it is nice if you have something to do.

Consult with your mates what they need and know in advance what they expect from you.

Preparing for the trip

Someone who is tripping is not very aware of his surroundings. He is in higher realms, in another dimension, perhaps in contact with angels or aliens. In short, what is happening around him or her, that person does not notice. Therefore, your job is to watch out for safety. You can do this as follows:

Determine the set and setting

Before the trip starts, you are going to make sure that the set and setting are in order. The set is about the emotional state of the person who will be tripping. Is your friend comfortable in their skin, are they not anxious or stressed? The better the other person feels, the more likely the trip will be pleasant. The setting has to do with the environment. This also influences how the trip is experienced. A familiar, safe environment will contribute to a relaxed feeling.

As a trip sitter, you can contribute to this by providing a comfortable place to sit or lie down with pillows and blankets, nice music and mood lighting. Also prepare some nice snacks and drinks to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Be patient

The job of a trip sitter basically comes down to being present during the trip. If everything goes well, you don't have to do anything. This may seem boring and you may think you are not needed at all. But make no mistake. Things can suddenly happen overnight, the mood of a trip can change just like that. So be sure not to leave and keep checking on your friend(s) regularly.

Watch the time

Depending on the drug used, a trip can last a long time. It is important to keep an eye on time, so you know if the peak of the trip is yet to come or if the effects will start to subside.

Stay sober

One of the tripsitter's most important tasks is to stay sober yourself. When everyone around you is tripping, it can be hard to stop yourself from taking something yourself. But doing so is very dangerous. Alcohol or drugs will limit your logical brain and your ability to react. You are a trip sitter and it is important that you can assess dangers and make decisions. Enjoy delicious snacks and drinks without alcohol or other mind-altering substances.|

What can you do in case of a bad trip?

It can unfortunately happen: one of your friends is in a bad trip. That means he experiences negative emotions, gets scared during the trip and has a sense of loss of control. This can be very intense. As a trip sitter, you can help your buddy, by trying to adjust the trip. Try to evoke more positive emotions and explain that the trip really will stop eventually. Sometimes it can help to take the other person to another room.

In case of a bad trip, it can be nice to try to make the trip end faster. Although you can't just end it right away, a trip stopper can help, which of course you as a trip sitter have arranged beforehand. This remedy can help reduce the effects of the trip and has a calming effect. Don't give your friend coke or coffee, it makes him restless and can increase anxiety.

If you have been asked to be a trip sitter, you now know what is involved. It is not a difficult task, but an important one! You are the support for your friends, keeping an eye on their safety so that they can indulge in a special and impressive experience. If you do this friend service for them, they will want to do it for you next time.