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Last updated on: 28 February 2024
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Suppose, after hearing many enthusiastic stories, you also started using CBD, but what do you do if it turns out that CBD does not help? You had hoped it would help with your headaches or your sleeping problems. It is a fact that the effect of CBD is not the same for everyone.

There is therefore no clear leaflet with this natural product. How much to take, how often or in what form, that's something you should try for yourself. But often there is something that can be done when CBD does not help. You will find in this blog the possible solutions for when this happens to you.

How does CBD work?

It is useful to understand why CBD sometimes does not work, it is useful to know more about the cooperation of CBD (cannabidiol) with the body. Cannabinoids are substances that interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body. It can influence the cells via the ECS: it can order certain stimuli not to enter or incite a cell to a higher production of a substance.

The effects of cannabidiol, whether you use oil, paste or capsules, depends on many variables. Your digestion plays a role, but also your body weight, the quality of the product and the nature of your complaint. There can be several reasons why CBD is not helping you at the moment.

Why CBD sometimes doesn't help

You are taking too little

It is usually recommended starting with a low dose. This means that you take CBD oil with a lower percentage (for example 4%) or that you only take a few drops of oil or milligrams of crystals. But if you don't notice any effect after a week, then it's time to increase the dose.

For CBD, the average recommended dose is 20 to 40 mg CBD per day. This is easy to measure with crystals. For oil you have to do some calculations. If you have a bottle with 4% CBD, then 1 single drop contains 2 mg of CBD. If you have a bottle with 10% CBD, then a drop contains 5 mg of the cannabinoid. In the latter case, you can take 4 drops a day to get at least 20 mg of CBD.

If you have been suffering from chronic complaints for a long time, it can certainly take a little longer for you to notice. But if you suffer from severe pain (migraine or rheumatism), for example, it may be necessary to take a slightly higher dose. Try to slowly increase the daily amount of CBD. Off research shows that CBD is safe to use, even at higher doses of up to 1500 mg per day.

Combine CBD with your diet

Cannabidiol is most effective when taken with food. This applies to almost all supplements, and therefore also to CBD. If you take it on an empty stomach, your body cannot absorb it as easily. Take salmon, for example, the omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish ensure that CBD is absorbed faster. If you take it together with complex carbohydrates, you will benefit from the fact that the effectiveness of cannabidiol lasts longer.

Full spectrum or isolate?

A full spectrum product not only contains CBD, but also the other active substances from the hemp plant. These are, for example, terpenes and flavonoids. These substances can have a positive effect on each other's effect. This is called the entourage effect.

An isolated product is a crystalline powder that is very pure and contains pure and only CBD. That means you will experience the unique effect of cannabidiol. The purity is usually 99%, so there are no other additives or contamination of the product. The choice for full spectrum or isolate depends on your own preferences.

You expect too much and too fast results

People who use CBD for the first time have usually high expectations. They have often heard enthusiastic stories: of people who, after years of sleeping problems, now sleep through the night again. Or the wonderful story of children with epileptic seizure decreasing the amount of attacks per day. 

And while those kinds of wonderful experiences can happen, it's important to keep your expectations realistic. You most likely will not suddenly feel like a different person. It can relieve pain, it can give you more rest. But that does not mean that you will suddenly no longer feel fear at all or immediately sleep through the night.

Your body needs time to get used to the influence of the cannabinoids. Many complaints involve all kinds of organs and systems, and changes simply take time. If you don't notice something within a few days, it doesn't mean that things aren't happening in the background. So do not stop, but continue and increase the dose after a few days if necessary. It is recommended to use CBD for at least a month. Try to be aware of what you feel and whether you notice any changes in your complaints. In addition, you can also decide to try a different percentage of CBD oil or for example for edibles or capsules instead of oil.

Do you want to know more about what CBD is? Click here!