CBD Hemp Coffee Cup’s Box 10 pcs in box
CBDSHOP -> CBD EdiblesIf you like coffee, try CBD Hemp Coffee Cups from Cannabis Bakehouse. This box contains 10 capsules with CBD coffee, which are suitable for the Nespresso coffee machine. A delicious, steaming cup of coffee is of course the ideal way to get your daily dose of CBD. Each coffee capsule contains 20 mg CBD.
Coffee and CBD mix amazingly well. At first glance, you might think they have opposite effects: Coffee is invigorating, while CBD has a more calming effect. But in this heavenly aromatic drink, they come together to act synergistically. Enjoy the full, rich taste of coffee and take advantage of the health-supporting qualities of CBD, all in one delicious cup.
Whether you drink your coffee with breakfast, lunch or at the end of the day, CBD Hemp Coffee will always taste good: it gives you a healthy boost to get through the day and you feel good again your energy!
CBD Coffee
Put 1 cup in a Nespresso coffee machine, for 1 cup of coffee.
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Cool and Dry
10 cups of coffee, each with 20 mg CBD
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