Baby Hawaiian Woodrose
SMARTSHOP -> Exotic Seeds
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is a climbing plant with beautiful lilac flowers that belongs to the Indian subcontinent. The seeds of the Baby Woodrose contain Enthogenes, Psychoactive components. The seeds can be consumed for their various lysergamide alkaloids such as LSA. The Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is a popular candidate for the mythological Soma plant, whose definitive botanical identity is unknown. "Soma" is the liquid potion derived from the Soma plant, and the terrestrial counterpart of Ambrosia, the ancient mythical potion of immortality reserved for the Hindu gods and their ancient priests, the Brahman. The name Soma was bestowed on a deity (the moon; the god of plants), the plant itself and the sacrificial drink prepared from the plant.
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds (Argyreia nervosa).
The hallucinogenic effects are comparable to alcohol intoxication with psychedelic visual effects such as better and more intense colors. The effect lasts 6-8 hours.
One Hawaiian Woodrose seed contains approximately 0,25 mg LSA. Try not to eat 4 to 6 hours before eating the seeds, this can prevent nausea and stomach pain. The average dose is 4 to 8 seeds. Some users recommend not to use more than 2 or 3 seeds at the first time.
Light trip: 0.5 to 1 mg LSA
Mild trip: 1 to 1.5 mg LSA
Strong trip: 1.5 to 3 mg LSA
Heavy trip: 3 to 4 mg LSA
Step 1
Remove any remaining skins and make the seeds as fine as possible with a knife or scissors. They can also be ground with a coffee grinder.
Step 2
Put them in a cup and pour half a cup of hot but not boiling water over it. It is best to use distilled water as tap water and mineral water contain minerals that can reduce the effectiveness of the seeds.
Step 3
Let sit for at least 1½ hours until the water returns to room temperature. The alkaloids dissolve in the water at a certain temperature that is reached at some point during the cooling process.
Step 4
Drink the water together with the seed material.
Store advice
Store this product in a cool, dark place such as a kitchen cupboard and out of the reach of children.
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) 10 seeds McSmart.
The Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds can be hazardous to health when combined with certain medications, alcohol or with MAO inhibitors. Are you on medication? Always consult your doctor first and read the package leaflet of your medication to prevent health risks. Also, do not use the seeds if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Handle these unique seeds responsibly and therefore do not participate in traffic when using them. So don't drive or drive other vehicles.
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