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Last updated on: 27 June 2023
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A relevant question for the outdoor grower: when is it smart to start feeding your cannabis plant? Because that it needs nutrition to grow optimally is a fact. In terms of that nutrition, though, you need to know when, how much and what. The answers to these questions depend on the age of your plants. So here is a handy overview. Read all our feeding tips for your outdoor cannabis here and get your cannabis harvest off to a flying start!

Does an outdoor plant always need feeding?

You do not necessarily need to feed your outdoor cannabis plants. With a little water, they could get by just fine. But as with other plants, weed plants become much more beautiful and healthier when supplied with the right nutrition at the right times.

The beginning: from seed to seedling

After you've planted your outdoor cannabis seeds, there's a bit of a wait and see. In the first stage of life, the plant saves itself. The soil and the seed are enough for now. It can hardly be called a plant at this stage, just a seed to germinate. The only 'nourishment' it needs at this point is a moist environment, darkness, the right temperature and patience. It will take a few days for your seeds to germinate, making them ready to be planted. Until then, extra nutrition won't do the seed any good, so don't worry about that.

Read all about the best way to germinate cannabis seeds here.

When to feed your outdoor cannabis plants for the first time?

After 3 weeks to a month, the plants start to take more shape and you will start to see a few leaves. At this point, you can provide your seedlings with their first nutrition, if necessary. This way, they will get through this growing phase healthy. Let the choice of nutrition also depend on how the plant looks. Are the leaves too light and is the plant not growing as fast as you might expect? Then extra nutrients are no luxury.

Most important in this phase, however, is that the plants get enough light. Especially when the light outside is not long enough, this is an issue. Ensure at least 14 hours of daylight when growing outdoor weed; this is no problem from the end of April onwards.

Transplant to larger pot: root stimulator

The moment you start transferring the small plants to a larger pot, you can opt to give them root stimulator. This helps the plant develop healthy and solid roots. It needs these roots to be able to absorb nutrients.

Growth phase: extra potassium

When the growth phase of your outdoor cannabis plant has started, you can start giving it special nutrition. This is because during this period, the plant needs extra potassium. Watch the plant's leaves: if they turn yellowish, it is not getting enough fresh air or potassium.

Flowering phase: extra potassium and phosphorus

If you want to get the most out of the flowering phase, the plant often needs some extra nutrition. This phase is all about phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.


All-in-one outdoor cannabis nutrition

Give yourself a carefree grow with our kits containing all the basic nutrients for one strong harvest. Handy when you have no idea which nutrition to give to your outdoor cannabis plant and when. Go for example for the 100% Natural Plagron Top Grow Box. Simply follow the instructions and give your plant what it needs, at the right times.

Need more tips for growing and feeding your outdoor cannabis?

If you want to get serious about growing outdoor cannabis and provide your plants with the optimal nutrition, we recommend that you dive into the literature and equip yourself with the best basics. Here are a few tips: