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Last updated on: 30 July 2023
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Cannabis plants have a fairly predictable life cycle, mainly following the light. An outdoor cannabis plant tracks when and how long it is light outside and shoots into flowering based on that. Knowing when your cannabis plant flowers gives you an indication of when you can harvest. Valuable knowledge, in other words! Find out when the flowering period starts here, so you know what to expect from your outdoor cannabis plant.

Your outdoor cannabis plant: from sowing to growth, flowering and harvest

An outdoor cannabis plant goes through several stages in its life: from seed to germinated seedling, growth, flowering and harvest time. First of all, when your outdoor cannabis will flower naturally depends on when you put it in the ground. So be sure to start at the right time! Read here when exactly that is: What is the best time to grow outdoor weed?

Seed and germination

Like any plant, the life of your outdoor cannabis grow starts with a seed. This will germinate, a process that takes a few days. After germination, you can set the seedlings aside to let them grow into independent plants.

Growth phase

The growth phase is an important stage for your outdoor plant. Whereas the seed will actually manage just fine without too much support, you'll want to help it a bit more as it grows. If you don't, you'll find that your outdoor cannabis plant won't do as well in the flowering and harvesting stages.

Flowering phase

The flowering stage of the outdoor cannabis plant is when flowers appear. This does not happen randomly, but at the point in the year when the plant catches less daylight. This is a fixed moment in the annual calendar, so very convenient to predict. After all, every year the days get shorter on a certain date. For the cannabis plant, the growth phase turns into the flowering phase when the number of hours of light reaches 12 hours a day. A week later, you can expect those flowers on the plant. White strands appear on the plant and multiply rapidly.


Even though the flowers appear quickly, the flowering of your outdoor cannabis plant will take around 2 to 3.5 months. How long your plant will flower depends on the seeds you bought. A rule of thumb is that indica weed flowers shortly, while sativa takes a long time. So harvesting is generally done in late summer and (late) autumn.

So when will my outdoor cannabis plant flower?

To answer the question of the article; when exactly does your outdoor cannabis plant flower? Cannabis plants in our country normally start flowering after summer has officially started: after 21 June.

Does an outdoor plant need nutrition in the flowering phase?

Of course, you can let nature do its work and leave your cannabis plants to their own devices after sowing. But you'll understand that this will not lead to a perfect harvest. That is why we advise you to provide your cannabis plants with support while growing and blooming. As far as possible, do your best to give them a solid development with water, nutrition, light and the right temperature and humidity. Just as you would with your other outdoor plants. Want to know the best way to do this? Read about when to start feeding your outdoor cannabis plant here.

Another tip for a better harvest: give your outdoor cannabis a kickstart by growing it indoors first.

Need inspiration? Read our grow reports!

Good example follows, so read our grow reports to get inspiration for your own grow. The Stoned Grower gives you a very detailed insight into his outdoor cannabis cultivation with different seeds. Check out part 1 of the report here: from germination to young growth stage. Here you will find many tips to achieve an optimal harvest. In a second blog, you can read more about the flowering phase of the different planted cannabis plants.

The best growth, flowering and harvest with the best growing equipment

When you want to make sure your outdoor cannabis plants get optimal growth, flowering and harvest, our growing gear is the answer. From nutrition to grow kits, reference books and seeds, our growing equipment will get you started.