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Last updated on: 26 July 2023
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As the Dutch, we should consider ourselves really lucky with the legislation surrounding cannabis. As one of the few countries, cannabis is legal with us. We are allowed to buy, use and possess it. Even growing cannabis ourselves is allowed. Besides the Netherlands, there are a number of other nations where weed is okay under the law. Read here which countries of the world have legal cannabis use.

What do we mean by 'legal' cannabis?

Even though we as ordinary citizens are allowed to use, grow and possess cannabis, there are some restrictions on this. Actually, cannabis and hashish fall under our government's tolerance policy. So weed is not 100% legal in the Netherlands. Here's how it is with us:

  • persons are not prosecuted for possession up to 5 grams of weed or hash
  • growing hemp plants is allowed, but with a limit of 5 plants

Certain conditions apply to coffee shops. For instance, they cannot sell more than 5 grams per day to one person. Also, their stock cannot exceed 500 grams. People who are not Dutch citizens are officially not allowed to enter a shop and sell cannabis.

What is 'legal' depends on what you look at. Different countries have different rules for cannabis, and this means that 'legal' does not come out the same everywhere. For instance, some countries distinguish between recreational and medicinal use. If you have a condition that cannabis can help with, you get the green light from the government. While your healthy neighbour may get a fine or other punishment for it. There are also countries where, although cannabis is banned by law, in practice it is not given a hard time. In Cambodia, for example, you can see people smoking marijuana on the streets, unhindered by policemen running around.

Using cannabis legally or decriminalised: you can do it in these countries

Below is a list of countries whose use is either legal or tolerated under certain conditions:

  • Netherlands (with possible area restrictions)
  • Belgium
  • Croatia
  • Germany (prosecution optional)
  • Austria
  • Czech Republic
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Luxembourg
  • Portugal
  • Malta
  • Slovenia
  • Israel (home delivery allowed)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • South Africa
  • Thailand
  • United States (in some states)
  • Georgia
  • Australia
  • Argentina
  • Costa Rica
  • Uruguay
  • Chile
  • Ecuador
  • Puerto Rico
  • Peru
  • Bermuda
  • Jamaica

These countries differ in their definition of legal as far as cannabis is concerned. While the sale of cannabis is usually illegal for individuals, we see big differences when it comes to growing and possessing it.

South and Central America remarkably relaxed

As you may have noticed from the list of countries where cannabis is legal, there are many nations from South and Central America among them. Uruguay can be called the most progressive in Latin America. Here, not only is possession legal, but the whole process from production to sale is regulated. In continents like Africa and Asia, you usually have a tough time as a cannabis lover. In most countries, use and possession is illegal, regularly resulting in heavy (prison) penalties. People in Malaysia are not surprised by a series of canings when authorities find out that a citizen has used or possessed cannabis.

The only country in Asia that has legalised cannabis possession and use is Thailand. Interesting fact: until recently, weed was absolutely illegal here. The government made no distinction between weed and hard drugs, and you could get into serious trouble if you broke this law. Driven by the potential to attract a lot more tourists, Thailand completely unexpectedly legalised cannabis. Coffee shops are already an integral part of the street scene, and you can easily order weed by app or fast courier. In that respect, this Asian country has surpassed the Netherlands!

If you go on holiday and want to use cannabis without worries, go for a country from our list. Another tip: check again at the last minute exactly what the local laws and regulations are. These can of course change, or be different from those in our country.