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Last updated on: 13 December 2023
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When you go tripping on magic mushrooms, truffles or other psychedelics, you often let the moment guide you. Totally fine! Most trippers sometimes struggle with the end of a trip, when things slowly wear off. What is the best thing to do at that moment to keep yourself entertained and comfortable? Here are our tips for the best possible end to a psychedelic trip.

Atmosphere: the right mood for a positive end to your trip

When you are tripping, you are very sensitive to stimuli and atmosphere. During your trip, but also at the end, create an atmosphere that makes you feel good. With nice lighting and the right music, for instance. At the end of your trip experience, calm music (psychedelic or otherwise) can work wonders. Here are our tips for the best music while tripping, which you can also use during the tail end of your trip. Above all, read these tips before you start tripping so that you can be sure to get it right.


Are you someone who actually gets a bit bored once your trip is no longer so intense? Make sure you provide yourself and any company with a variety of options so you don't get restless from that bored feeling. Simple board games or craft activities are a fun way to keep busy while the trip slowly wears off. Or pick a few films or series that can make you happy at that moment.


Retreat safely

Tripping can be done anywhere, of course. Especially in nature, psychedelics can provide great experiences. The outside world is then extra colourful and beautiful, especially if you find yourself in the woods or another peaceful natural setting. Some people actually like to trip at a party or even a busy festival. Usually, when working out psychedelics, you notice that you get the need for extra rest. Therefore, make sure you have an exit strategy ready. Know where you can go to retreat comfortably.

A good end to your trip at a festival or holiday

If you are at a festival, then your own accommodation is the best option to retreat to when the trip comes to an end. The last thing you want is to have to look for a private spot in the shade with a fuzzy or overexcited head. If you have the budget for it, upgrade your accommodation options. Glamping is increasingly popular, and even the most rugged festivals offer ready-made comfortable tents or cottages. Very convenient when you want to fully focus on your trip and the festival experience, without compromising on comfort.

Whether you set up your own tent or rent a cottage, these tips will help you feel extra comfy at the end of your trip:

  1. Bring a few personal items from home that make you feel comfortable. Your cuddly toy, your memory foam pillow and bedding, pictures of your pet; it could be anything. When you are far from your familiar surroundings, the end of your trip can sometimes make you feel a little homesick. By bringing a few things that make you feel at home, you are guaranteed to suffer less from this.
  2. Clean up your abode before tripping so you don't come back in a mess. A clean bed works wonders. Also put down a set of clean clothes beforehand and make sure everything you think you will need is within reach. Think about your favourite snacks, earplugs and sleeping mask.
  3. Take a (camping) shower when you can. Don't feel okay with this? Then baby wipes are the ultimate tip. This way you can still freshen up at the end of your trip.

magic mushrooms trip

Food, drinks and supplements

Before a trip, we recommend having an empty stomach. And during your psychedelic experience, you will undoubtedly have less of an appetite. Candy or fruit may still be consumed, which can regularly be a very strange experience. Don't forget to drink enough during and after your trip.

At the end of your trip, your body will have had to do without food for several hours. So it is smart to already have some healthy and tasty food in the house, so you do not have to go to the supermarket or think about ordering food.

Furthermore, there are several supplements and natural remedies you can use for a soft landing. Brew a nice pot of herbal tea, for example. As for supplements, 5-htp and ashwagandha can help you feel calmer. If you want to make sure you can sleep, check out our range of sleep herbs and other remedies.

After a bad trip

Did your trip disappoint a bit? That can happen. Often this does have obvious causes. For example, you combined your trip aids with alcohol. Here we explain why that may not be a good idea: Booze and drugs: which ones are better not to take together?

Other causes for a bad trip:

  • fatigue
  • stress
  • unsafe environment, such as too loud music or unpleasant company
  • too much or too heavy food just before tripping

Reflecting, learning and meditating as an end to your trip

Self-reflection can really help you get more out of your trip experiences. Trip with a certain intention and learn from your experience by reflecting on the lessons the psychedelics have presented you with. Write down your thoughts and feelings as the trip comes to an end. If desired, put this away to think about it again later, in a sober moment. This also helps when you tend to fret and get lost in this. By writing down these thoughts and literally putting them away, you clear your mind and park the fretting.

Another good tip for the brooding: meditation. This can make you wonderfully zen both during and after your trip.