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Last updated on: 18 April 2024
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Want to know exactly how strong your bought or grown mushrooms or truffles are? That's smart! Mushrooms in particular can vary considerably in strength: one harvest can be 10 times stronger than another. This strength is determined by the amount of psilocybin your trip medicine contains. With your naked eye, you can't see how much it is. With the Psilo-Q-test, you can be on the safe side. It shows you how potent the magic mushrooms or truffles are in your hands. And the best part is: it only takes 30 minutes. Read how to use this psilocybin test kit here.

Why test your trip drugs for psilocybin?

Psilocybin is the substance in trip drugs like magic mushrooms and truffles that cause psychedelic experiences, such as visuals. You may now be thinking, "I have always tripped without testing my magic mushrooms, and it always went well - so why should I use a psilocybin testing kit?".

The numbers here speak for themselves:

  • This study has shown that in dried mushrooms, psilocybin levels vary between 0.2% and 2%. In other words, one mushroom can be 10 times stronger than another.
  • Mushrooms and truffles are much stronger in dried form than in fresh form because they contain less moisture. But sometimes you have a mushroom that is just a bit drier than the other - so then it might just be twice as strong as you thought. Also, the stems of the mushroom may have a different psilocybin content than the tops.
  • Since fresh truffles contain less moisture than dried ones, the differences in psilocybin content between them are less than with magic mushrooms. But still, truffles can be three times stronger than their counterparts. And that is exactly the difference between a light trip and a very intense trip...

Want to read more about determining the right dose of magic mushrooms or truffles? Then read this article.

The benefits of the Psilo-Qtest

  • The Psilo-Qtest allows you to test your trip substances very accurately. To be precise: the results of your psilocybin test kit never deviate more than 10% from those of professional, expensive laboratory tests.
  • Within 30 minutes, you will have the test results in your hands.
  • You only need 150 mg of material to get an accurate test result.
  • The test can simply be thrown in the rubbish.


How do you use the psilocybin test kit for magic mushrooms and truffles?

With this test kit, you simply follow the four steps. By the way, the kit comes with a manual, which takes you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Preparation

Wear suitable clothing, including the protective gloves provided. The environment should be clean and sterile - so make sure you have an empty countertop or tidy dining table. Take about 150 mg of the material you want to test. Weigh this with a scale, or guess with your naked eye. Grind it into a powder. Bring a litre of water to the boil and let it cool until it is no longer very hot.

Step 2: Extraction

Put the material into the extraction vessel. Shake briefly and set it aside for 10 minutes. Repeat two more times. Now attach the sterile filter to the syringe and use it to suck 1 ml of liquid from the extraction vessel. Place the cannula on the syringe. Pierce the glass vial with the blunt needle and squirt everything from the syringe into it.

Step 3: Detection

Now place the bottle with the detection solution in warm water. You will see that the solution in the bottle changes colour. Wait for another 15 minutes. After this, you will see the result.

Step 4: Results

Use the evaluation scale in the manual provided to determine the strength of your trip drugs.

tripping on acid

This is what's in the Psilo-QTest psilocybin test kit

The psilocybin test kit contains everything you need to test your harvested or bought magic mushrooms and truffles:

  • safety gloves to work with sterile hands
  • blunt cannula
  • star filter for extraction
  • 1 ml syringe
  • extraction container
  • glass vessel with detection solution
  • instructions

Grow and test magic mushrooms or truffles yourself?

Would you like to grow your own magic mushrooms and truffles? Then, in addition to the psilocybin test kit, get yourself a handy grow kit and optionally more growing equipment. With a grow kit, you can easily grow your own favourite strains at home. Take a look at our collection of test kits, follow the instructions and wait patiently until you can harvest. Then submit your harvest to a psilocybin test, and you are ready for a trip. Microdosing is also excellent when you know exactly how much psilocybin your tubers and mushrooms contain.

Also test your cannabis and LSD

Our range of test kits includes two more handy products: a test for your cannabis and for LSD. Ideal for the conscious home grower and tripper!