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Last updated on: 8 May 2024
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Do you want more peace of mind, work on yourself, achieve certain life goals and know how to grow internally? Then journaling is a very smart move. Keeping a journal is more than spitting your bile in a diary. It goes many steps further and is a really good tool for personal growth. This is because journaling allows you to reflect and feel more connection with your true self. You can also hurl your wishes for the future into the universe by manifesting these things in your journal. Then you have to do something with it of course - but don't underestimate the power of your pen! Read here how to put your soul's feelings on paper through journaling and turn them into personal and spiritual growth.

Why journal?

Why would you keep such a journal 2.0? Well: journaling simply makes you a better, chillier and more spiritual person. Here's how:

Peace of mind

Many people live from day to day or appointment to appointment. And that day is often hectic, but also predictable. Still, it's smart to take a moment for yourself every now and then and reflect. What do you want? How are you really doing? Are you on the path that will take you to where you want to go? What ideas are running through your mind that you are not doing anything with? You probably have all sorts of 'oh yes' moments throughout the day when to-do's and ideas come to mind. If you don't write them down, they get stuck in your head. That creates unrest in your head. Besides, there are bound to be great ideas among them that you should really do something with and that will make your life more beautiful.

Other tactics for more calmness, if this plays with you quite a bit, are relaxation exercises and natural sedatives.

Reflect and process emotions

You can also journal your emotions and thoughts. You probably recognise it: you have an altercation with a friend or family member and keep thinking about it. Or you are frustrated by your insecurity or passivity and want to get rid of it. In your journal, you engage in self-reflection. And so you increase your self-awareness. For instance, you can read in your journal that you are stressed more often on Mondays or that you feel so much better after a yoga session. You can then adjust your behaviour accordingly. Free therapy by yourself!

More positivity

The cliché really is true: what you give attention to, grows. If you want a happier life, start looking for the positive things through journaling. Using the gratitude journal method, for example. In it, you write down what external things you are grateful for that happen to you. A beautiful butterfly landing on your nose, a sweet message from a loved one, a spiritual holiday on a tropical island, a tasty jonko: it could be anything.

More spiritual with journaling

If you want to experience more spirituality in your life, then this is a great mission of your journal. Go in search of your higher purpose, expand your intuition, feel more connected to the world around you; spiritual journaling can be incredibly rewarding. Examples of things you can apply in your journal to realise more spirituality:

  • Pay attention to signs from above and try to interpret them.
  • Do tarot and describe in your journal what the cards tell you.
  • Write and interpret your dreams through a dream journal. Use dream herbs to actively induce and remember more intense (lucid) dreams.
  • Go on a conscious psychedelic trip with magic mushrooms, truffles, mescaline or other trip aids and keep a trip diary to learn lessons from it.

A few practical tips for the beginner in journaling

  • Maintain a set time (or several set times) to journal. In the morning can be a great start to the day, as it allows you to start that day more consciously with a certain focus. At the end of the day, you can also pick up your journal again to reflect.
  • Besides those fixed moments, you can also journal in between. That way, ideas and thoughts don't evaporate due to the busyness of your day.
  • Did the day go as hoped/planned/manifested? How can you ensure that you experience more satisfaction and flow?
  • Above all, let your creativity run wild. Draw what you experience, witness and feel.
  • Read through your journal regularly to see what you notice. Do you discover patterns you want to break?
  • Make your goals clear. Why do you want this, and how will you achieve it? Make your goals SMART: specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-bound.