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In the beautiful Amazon region, a miraculous plant grows among the many medicinal plants and trees: guarana. This little plant has been used for centuries by indigenous people for various purposes, including increased energy. In our modern world, you can find guarana in energy drinks and supplements. With these, you can boost your energy levels and focus. But the plant has even more health benefits! Read exactly how healthy guarana is here.

Centuries of history

The guarana plant (Paullinia cupana) grows berries the size of coffee beans. Indigenous tribes in the Amazon have used them for thousands of years for medicinal and ceremonial purposes. They pulverise the dried berries into powder, mix it with water and consume the drink to increase energy, alertness and stamina. In that traditional medicine of the Amazon, guarana is still used for various ailments such as headaches, muscle aches, diarrhoea and fever.

This is how healthy guarana is: all its effects at a glance

The guarana berry is full of antioxidants, and you really can't get enough of those. In short, antioxidants clean up the mess in your body, preventing disease and ageing. Cardiovascular diseases, for instance. Guarana can boost circulation, which is a nice health bonus for many people. For your cholesterol, too, this plant is a good one. In fact, it is able to lower your bad cholesterol, LDL.

Besides caffeine, guarana also contains other substances that may contribute to health effects, such as theobromine, theophylline, catechins and tannins. These substances may interact with caffeine, making the effects last longer and are milder than those of coffee. So less nervousness with guarana!

Below are all the effects of guarana that science has already looked at.

Guarana for healthy energy and focus

That energy boost you get from guarana comes mainly from the caffeine it contains. Caffeine keeps your brain active. This keeps you not only awake, but also mentally sharp. Several studies show that it can indeed improve focus and combat mental fatigue. But there is an added benefit to your Brainpower... in fact, it turns out that guarana improves your memory and learning ability. A dose of 37.5-75 mg of guarana seems to be able to help you complete a task faster and have better concentration in the process.

Losing weight may be easier

Some studies suggest that guarana may help with weight loss. Firstly, this will be because of the caffeine it contains. With it, you can actually boost your fat burning (slightly). But there is more good news: studies have found that guarana has an effect on the genes responsible for fat cell production. It can suppress the production of new fat cells. However, this has only been seen in the laboratory, so we don't know 100% for sure yet.

Our products with guarana

With us, you will find several products that contain guarana. First, you can go for our pure guarana, which are already conveniently overdosed in capsules. Prefer to doctor and dose yourself? Then go for guarana powder from Indian Elements. Since guarana is such a good energiser, you'll see it as an ingredient in our energy-boosting products.

Does guarana have any negative effects or side effects?

Guarana is generally safe for most people, especially if you stick to the dose and can stand caffeine. The side effects you might get from it are basically the same as those of caffeine:

  • sleep problems
  • restlessness or nervousness
  • headache
  • gastrointestinal complaints

Are you pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a condition that doesn't combine well with uppers like caffeine? Then guarana is no match for you.