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For a clean body, you step into the shower or bath. But what do you do for a clean mind and soul? The answer: spiritual cleansing! You've probably heard the English term, 'spiritual cleansing'. In short, a 'cleanse'. With such a spiritual cleanse, you remove negative energies, get more in touch with your true self and with the world around you. Sounds good, right?

There are many ways to give your inner world a major cleanse. You don't have to apply them all at once to achieve your goal. Often, a few are enough to feel 'clean' and liberated. Read below which practices of spiritual cleansing exist and pick a few that suit you best.

What is spiritual cleansing?

Spiritual cleansing, then, is cleansing your mind, soul and body of toxic issues. These will mainly be negative thoughts and emotions. Think (self-)hatred, stress, drama, worrying about the future, frustration or losing your flow. That negativity is toxic to your mind, but will also have an effect on your energy and body. So get rid of it. Spiritual cleansing includes all kinds of different rituals and practices that bring your body and inner world back into balance. With that cleanse, you yourself work proactively to improve your energies. That intention is an important part of your spiritual cleanse, because that is the fire that will fuel the rest of the process.

Different forms of spiritual cleansing

Cleansing through spiritual tripping

A good way to cleanse your soul is with spiritual tripping. Basically, this amounts to 'just' tripping on psychedelics, but with the intention of getting better from them. By consciously working with yourself and your thoughts during a trip, you become a better person. An intention might be that you want to have fewer feelings of anger or hatred in you. That's what you sit down for during a trip on magic truffles or magic mushrooms, for example.

Spiritual ceremonies

With spiritual ceremonies aimed at cleansing, you are very focused on spiritual cleansing. Step into a sweat lodge, join a singing bowl session or engage in ceremonial cacao. Combine the best of both worlds and go for a spiritual mushroom or truffle ceremony, just in our own country.

Smudging with sage

There are several ceremonial herbs and smudges used for the purpose of cleansing body, soul and mind. Sage is an important one. This sacred plant has been used specifically for cleansing rituals for centuries. Of people, but also of spaces. The smoke of sage could dispel negative energies and make room for a new positive vibe.


Fasting can be a great way to cleanse your body and mind. By stopping eating (solid) food for a period of time, you make space for reflection and introspection: taking a look inside yourself. There are various forms of fasting, from a short detox of skipping a day of eating, to long-term spiritual fasting. The latter requires some preparation. Read more about the spirituality of fasting here to know how to purify your mind and body that way.

Spiritual meditation: cleanse your mind by thinking away the negative

Meditation is of course a good tool to adjust and calm your mind. If certain recurring thoughts bother you, meditate on them. Look at those emotions with an inquisitive, calm and gentle gaze. Meditate on your anger or fear, pay attention to your breathing, and notice how much calmer you become.

Find positivity

Go on a personal exploration to find out why you need spiritual cleansing. Clear your thoughts, possibly with a friend or therapist. Surround yourself with positivity and positive people. Take a critical look at your relationships: who has a negative impact on your energy? Take a break from certain environments to test what it does to you. Consciously look for inspiring company that adds value to your life, and invest in these people too. You will probably find your inner voice getting louder and leading you to the right people.

Spiritual cleansing: a very personal journey

There is no such thing as the ideal way to tackle spiritual cleansing. Every person is different, and every moment in your life requires different methods. So just discover what works for you right now. Also know: spiritual cleansing is not a magic formula that will solve all your problems right away. It is a process of trial and error and personal growth. And growing sometimes hurts a bit. But it will be worth it!