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Have you heard of neem oil? This natural oil can help control pests in cannabis cultivation. The advantage is that it is not harmful and you can protect your plants from disease and feeding in an eco-friendly way. In this blog, you will read what neem oil is and how to use it.

What is neem oil?

Anyone who has ever tried to raise a few cannabis plants has found that it is not difficult. But you may have to deal with pests, fungi and parasites. Many growers realise how harmful chemicals can be and want to protect their beloved plants in an eco-friendly way. This is possible with neem oil.

The oil comes from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). These contain azadirachtin, a substance that can help repel and even kill insects. The oil has a special sulphurous smell, resembling a mixture of garlic and peanuts. Usually, neem oil has a yellow to brown colour. Neem oil can be used in cannabis cultivation because of its unique properties:

  • Helps repel insects such as aphids, mites, caterpillars, white flies and thrips
  • Has anti-fungal properties and counteracts the development of mildew, for example
  • Helps improve soil quality
  • Supports plant health and strengthens the immune system

Because of these properties, neem oil is already commonly used by cannabis growers. You can use it when you suffer from an infestation, but also preventively. By regularly spraying oil on or around your plants, you can prevent pests as much as possible. How does neem oil work in cannabis growing? Its effectiveness comes from the fact that the oil suffocates insects; they can no longer eat and reproduce. In fungi, neem oil works by disrupting the life cycle, preventing them from developing spores.

Neem oil does not work immediately, it takes some time. But it can be used against various pests, is very effective and is safe for humans, animals and the environment.

For which pests in cannabis growing can neem oil be used?

Weed plants are strong and can withstand a lot. But ultimately, these plants are also susceptible to disease and insect predation, and this can cause challenges. Fungi and insects are common problems. Fortunately, neem oil is effective on many of these pests, such as mites, spider mites and mourning flies. It also works on aphids, caterpillars and whiteflies. All these pesky critters can reproduce quickly, and before you know it, they have affected your plants so much that they will no longer produce beautiful buds. Or your buds will be lost altogether....

But neem oil can also save your harvest when it comes to fungi. It can fight fungal infections, but also prevent them. And that, of course, is the best option. Mildew, an infection that occurs regularly, can sicken a plant in a short time and cause buds to wilt. But by using neem oil, you can fight mildew effectively (if you catch it in time).

Using neem oil

You can use neem oil by spraying the leaves, branches and stems of your plants with a spray in a plant sprayer. It is a good idea to mix the oil with a few drops of liquid soap. This will make your spray even more effective. Make sure you spray the spray over every part of the plant's surface (preferably not on the buds).

But just spraying the plant is actually not enough. You can also treat the soil to control pests at their source, such as mourning flies that develop in the soil. You can thus prevent the formation of larvae so that they cannot develop into adult insects. In the process, it can also inhibit the formation of fungi. Keep in mind, however, that neem oil does not only inhibit harmful fungi and micro-organisms. It does not work selectively and will also damage beneficial fungi and insects. Therefore, it does make sense to weigh up whether using neem oil on soil makes sense. If necessary, you can add extra compost and nutrition after treatment.

Should you also treat the tops? It is advisable to be careful with that. It is better not to do so, because the neem oil can negatively influence the taste and smell of the buds. If you suffer from an infestation during cannabis growing, spray neem oil on the leaves and soil, but avoid the buds. If your harvest would be lost, you can try spraying the buds, but keep in mind that the quality could be affected.

Tips for using neem oil when growing cannabis

When you start using neem oil, it is good to pay attention to the following points:

  • Prevention is better than cure. Apply neem oil regularly, say every fortnight, to prevent pests and other infestations.
  • Keep an eye on your plants. Although neem oil is safe, your plants may become stressed. Then it is wise to slow down. Use it in moderation if no pest is present.
  • Adding an emulsifier helps the neem oil bind better to your plants. So mix in some soap or washing-up liquid.
  • Neem oil can be mixed with warm water. This makes it easier to spray evenly over the plants. Be careful not to make the water too hot, as this will destroy useful enzymes.

As you can see, neem oil can be a handy aid to cannabis cultivation. Want to know more about growing cannabis, germinating seeds or how to dry weed? You'll find everything you need in our blogs.