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Last updated on: 16 September 2024
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Within spiritual traditions and practices, it's mainly about the concept of 'energy'. Everything is made of energy, and you can shift energies to create more flow and happiness. So the universe is made up of energy, and that vibrates at a certain frequency. People and emotions also have a frequency. Here, a low frequency is associated with negativity, a high one with happiness. This is why people strive to raise their frequency or vibration. Read here how this idea works and how you yourself can raise your frequency with several practical tips.

What about these frequencies and vibrations, and why do you want to raise them?

The idea that everything is energy and has a frequency comes from quantum physics. In doing so, we go in depth to the level of atoms, invisible to the naked eye. Atoms give and absorb energy and have their own frequency or vibrations. Something that has a low vibration is heavy. Think depression, anger and stress. A high frequency is lighter and is also associated with the flow state, love and happiness. Everything goes smoothly and nicely and you are happy. The idea is that we are able to raise our vibrations with our own actions. These are some practical tips you can apply to raise your frequency and feel better:


Meditating is one of the best ways to raise your frequency and train and calm your mind. While meditating, you pay full attention to the moment itself and your experiences and emotions. Then you let them be there without judging them. Calming your mind with meditation creates more space for positive energy. Also in the long run, because you increase your awareness with a trained brain.

Through visualisations, you can generate positive energy, raising your vibration. Science supports the idea that meditating leads to more presence in the moment and also gives you more of a sense of purpose in this life. It also reduces stress and depression symptoms. And that, of course, produces many other positive effects!


Yoga is good for your body and mind. It relaxes and calms, gets your blood flowing nicely and stretches your muscles. It is also a good way to raise your vibration. Yoga gives you more energy and balances your energies. It also establishes a solid connection between body and mind.

Breathing exercises

Your breathing keeps you alive. Breathing is directly linked to our emotions and energy levels. By really actively breathing consciously and correctly, you can calm your mind and influence your mental and physical state. Thus, it leads to less stress and better mental health, which in turn relieves you of negative energy.

Affirmations and manifesting

Actively seek higher frequencies with affirmations and manifestations. Manifesting involves having your goals clearly in mind and visualising and pursuing them. For instance, do you want to be less lonely or have positive social contacts? Then manifest this by thinking about it regularly. This is quite an active activity and ideally you will really start working on it.

With affirmations, you pour your goals and wishes into clear sentences, which you repeat to yourself regularly. Think of "I am strong" and "I am full of love". In doing so, choose positive affirmations that affect you most, that fit what you want to achieve and affirm what you are. This should work thanks to the Law of Attraction: those positive thoughts attract positivity. And so, in turn, you raise your frequency.

Increase frequency with nature

Nature is full of positive and healing energy. So after all that meditative indoor work, go outside and absorb Mother Nature's vibrations. Walk around barefoot to ground yourself, for instance. That way, the negative energy flows off you. Besides, nature simply has a positive effect on our well-being and mood. You have fewer worries and feel more connected to the big picture, up to the universe. Go into the woods and connect with nature there, or go rooting in the earth in your own little garden. Plant some exotic seeds or grow your own cannabis plants, for instance.

Do you really not want to go outside right now? Then listen to nature sounds or watch a docu about the earth or the universe.

Journaling for more positivity and higher frequencies

A good practical tool to raise your frequencies is journaling. Actually, this is a journal keeping for adults, but with the aim of growing from this. With journaling, you can ensure more positivity and experience more control over your own happiness. Read how to do this here: Journaling: connecting more with yourself and the spiritual.

A final tip to increase your frequency: live, healthy and balanced. Eat healthy and (especially) plant-based, exercise enough, and have fun. Also, not unimportant: surround yourself with positive people who, after all, also have a higher vibration. Listen to your gut feeling and less to what others would do or think. And be patient. Because you don't raise your vibration with one action, but gradually you will be rewarded by your good behaviour.