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Eating resin: it probably wouldn't occur to you that quickly. Consider it anyway, because resinous Shilajit is super healthy! It is a substance used within Ayurvedic medicine. To do so, it is scraped from the cracks of rocks in Asia. Not necessarily very easy for us to do, but we have good news for you. With the addition of Shilajit extract to our range, it is now within reach for you too. Find out how healthy Shilajit is and what effects it can have.

The origins and uses of Shilajit

Shilajit (Asphaltum) is a sticky brown substance found in rocks, especially in Indian and Nepalese mountains like the Himalayas. In India, it is also called mimic or salajit. Thousands of years ago, it was scraped from rocks for therapeutic use, well before there was scientific interest in it. In those areas, people still use it in children's breakfasts and you will also find it in the diet of Sherpas (Tibetan mountain guides and porters). They are known for their remarkable fitness; going up and down mountains daily with heavy packs on your back is an extremely strenuous undertaking, of course!

This is how healthy Shilajit is: its ingredients and effects

Shilajit has a number of ingredients that are interesting because they protect you from various diseases, for instance. For instance, it is used for kidney stones, haemorrhoids, epilepsy, jaundice, anaemia and digestive problems. It could also help you have more energy and give you more seed as a biological man. And it combats ageing. So shilajit has all sorts of benefits for your health! Here are the most important and the most researched:

Fulvinic acid and antioxidants for a healthier brain and longer life

Fulvinic acid is the most important compound in Shilajit. This compound is an antioxidant, and one that helps to work heavy metals out of your body, which you could call detox for short. By the way, it is also found in humus, which you can obviously never eat enough of... Fulvic acid also appears to be able to protect against the development of Alzheimer's, or at least slow it down. This is partly because it inhibits inflammation and prevents a certain harmful protein (tau) from accumulating in your brain. Shilajit has also been found to support your brain health in studies with rats, among others.

The substance fulvic acid has another nice benefit: it can prolong your life. This is partly because it counteracts processes such as cell damage and clears out harmful substances like free radicals.

Can help with chronic fatigue

Both animal and human studies show that Shilajit can be an indirect pick-me-up, improving your physical performance and relieving fatigue. This is because it helps produce the compound ATP; Adenosine triphosphate. This compound brings energy to your cells, where it is needed for all kinds of processes. Muscle building, for example.

Better semen and more potent men

For people with penises, this supplement is also an interesting one, especially if you could use some improvement in terms of libido and fertility. For instance, it can boost testosterone production, as well as sex drive. Shilajit additionally improves spermatogenesis, which is a fancy word for sperm production. Several studies show that both sperm quality and quantity improved when subjects used Shilajit.

Combination of Shilajit and Ashwagandha: helps blood sugar levels

The supplements with Shilajit extract in our shop are combined with the compound Ashwagandha. And that combo appears to have additional benefits! In a study involving people who had just received a diabetes-2 diagnosis, disease-related symptoms were found to decrease with this supplement. The effects were seen after only four weeks. Thus, they had healthier blood sugar levels, which is very important to experience less harmful symptoms from this condition.

Our Shilajit products: full of fulvin

In addition to Ashwagandha, the supplements with Shilajit extract in our shop contain as much as 60% fulvic acid, the substance that provides the most health benefits. Besides the aforementioned effects, it can have a positive effect on your immune system and improve nutrient absorption. Do you prefer pure Shilajit, without any other additives? Then go for the 100% purified Shilajit resin.