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Last updated on: 23 January 2025
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Indigenous peoples like the Incas and Mayans are said to do it. But even many healing mediums could do it: channelling. Channelling is the practice where people contact deceased people and other entities. How this works and how you can learn to do it yourself, you can read here.

Spiritual practice from the new age

Channelling is a spiritual practice that falls under the new age movement. New age originated in the hippy era in the 1970s. It has since become quite a broad movement. In the meantime, it has become quite a broad movement, covering various new religions, alternative medicine and lifestyles. Also, don't be surprised if a new age follower starts talking about ghosts and aliens. Outsiders would probably describe its adherents as woolly. But new age is so much more. At the core of this way of thinking, for example, is acting from intuition. New agers also have a keen eye for nature, cosmos and community. An important focal point is personal growth; they believe a new age is coming. Hence the name 'new age'.

Channelling: communicating with all beings

Part of this new age way of thinking is the belief that we can contact ancestors, the deceased, angels, guides, spirits, terrestrial and extraterrestrial beings. From plants to human forms and even objects. Everything is and has energy and everything is connected. So that is channelling. The exact definition of channelling is "the process by which a person becomes a conduit for a deceased person, such as someone from an ancient culture, passing on information about a past life". But channelling can, in practice, be done with anything living and not living (anymore). That information can take many forms. It can be clear audiovisual messages, but also energy.

Channelling by indigenous cultures

Channelling falls under the fairly new-age movement, but as a stand-alone practice it is already incredibly old. Native Americans like the Cherokee have been doing it since they can remember. Ancient civilisations like the Mayans and Incas also engaged in it. Often it is the shaman who possesses this special ability to contact entities and get important messages through. Whether or not during special ceremonies. By the way, you can also participate in these yourself, should you wish to channelling under the guidance of a shaman.

Channelling yourself? Learn how

Want to be able to channel yourself? Here's how to do it:

Believe and know

Being able to receive and give messages through channelling? Then you have to start with the first crucial step: believe! Believe that everything is connected, that everything consists of energy. And that this energy can therefore be directed. This requires an open and empathetic attitude. You really need to recognise that all beings together are one. Even though we are not physically connected, on another frequency we certainly are. Once you feel this, you have opened the door to being able to channel. Now you can connect with others through your invisible paths.

Pure soul, love and best intentions

When channelling, it is important that you really believe 100% in yourself, and in being able to connect with others. And that requires something else again: a loving outlook towards both yourself and other people. You need to be able to trust people and know about yourself that you can be trusted. Only then is a real connection and energy exchange possible.

Open up

Now that you know that everything is energetically connected, it's a matter of opening yourself up to connections and messages. Use your intuition and throw out those feelers. You will find yourself seeing, feeling, experiencing and noticing more and more things. These may be vibrations or waves, a sense of energy, signals or even concrete clues.

Understand the message

Know that the signals you receive are purely directed at you and can only be interpreted by you. This is the most difficult step for most people. You have to be able to stop and think about what you are feeling. You have to dare to feel. And then do something with it - or not. Often, you already feel in your gut that there is something that demands your attention. Something that can influence your life path or happiness.

Get better at channelling with these tips

A few more articles that will help you get better at channelling:

Raising your frequency and vibration

Introspection for self-improvement

Journaling: more connection with yourself and the spiritual

Fasting for more spirituality

Tantra: more connection with others and yourself

Learning to meditate better:


How do you get the most out of a meditation?

Read more

Relevant Sources for the Blog

  1. What is Channeling? A Detailed Guide

  2. Shamanism and Indigenous Spiritual Practices

  3. History of New Age Spirituality

  4. Intuition and Energy in Spirituality

    • This source delves into the concept of intuition and energy fields, aligning with the blog’s advice on opening up and understanding messages during channeling.
    • Psychology Today – Energy and Intuition
  5. Scientific Perspective on Spiritual Practices


1. General Disclaimer

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. Channelling is a spiritual practice without scientific consensus, and the methods described are based on personal beliefs and experiences within spiritual movements. Always consult a qualified professional for medical, psychological or other specialised advice.

2. Disclaimer on health claims

The information in this text is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent physical or mental health problems. If you have any health complaints or concerns about your well-being, please consult a doctor or psychologist.

3. Disclaimer on results

The described techniques and experiences with channelling can vary greatly from one individual to another. Results are influenced by personal beliefs, circumstances and interpretations. No guarantee can be given about specific outcomes.

4. Disclaimer on spirituality and subjectivity

Channelling is a spiritual practice stemming from personal and cultural traditions. The content is based on spiritual beliefs and should not be interpreted as objective facts or scientifically proven information.

5. Disclaimer on commercial links

Some links in this blog may refer to products, services or ceremonies that are commercial in nature. We recommend doing careful research and, if necessary, seeking advice before participating in such activities.