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Last updated on: 25 May 2023
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With the herbs listed below you will quickly regain energy. They give you a boost, allowing you to perform better both physically and mentally. Sometimes you just need a little more support and why not check out what Mother Nature has to offer? In this blog you will find 5 natural herbs for more energy.

The 5 best herbs for more energy

Do you often feel so tired, as if you have less energy every day to get through the day? Or are you that employee who always has a dip around three o'clock in the afternoon? Do you have trouble getting started after getting up? Whatever it is, when you have that dip, you need a little more energy! Instead of reaching for the coffee, there are beautiful natural herbs that will give you all the energy you need. For example, you can drink them as a tea or take them as a capsule.

1. Gingko Biloba

You probably know Gingko Biloba as a tool that can support your memory. But this plant can do a lot more. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gingko Biloba is used to treating respiratory problems and improve blood circulation. We can make Gingko tea if we lack energy. Gingko biloba helps boost your mental energy. With two cups of this tea a day you feel less tired, you have more energy and you can concentrate better. Gingko also helps to improve your mood and is a good remedy for depression and anxiety.

 Gingko Biloba

2. Guarana

Guarana comes from the tropical rainforest (the Amazon). It is a climbing plant and the seeds look a bit like our chestnuts. Guarana is increasingly being used in place of coffee, which is no wonder. Also, Guarana contains caffeine. However, it also contains tannin, which makes the effects last longer than with coffee.

Guarana gives your energy a powerful boost. It feels different from coffee because it has a more balanced effect. So you won't bounce, but just feel happy and energized. Guarana also acts as an antidepressant. You can make a tea from Guarana, but you can also take it as a capsule.

3. Kratom

Kratom is a stimulant and Thai kratom is especially popular. The tree grows in tropical areas such as Thailand, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and Malaysia and Indonesia. It gives you energy in a natural way and has a stimulating effect. If you feel dull or unfocused, Kratom can provide more clarity. A positive feature is that the effects last longer than, for example, caffeine. Kratom is only psychoactive in higher amounts. You can take it as an extract, capsules, powder or tea.


4. Kola nut

In West Africa, the kola nut is seen as magical. It is used there to treat nausea (also during pregnancy) and fever. But the kola nut is rich in caffeine and theobromine. That is why the tree is now also in western countries such as Turkey, Italy; and California; is cultivated.

Cafe and theobromine are substances that give a person energy again. Theobromine is an alkalinity and increases alertness. This helps you to concentrate better, so you get more work done. It could also improve your mood, making you feel more satisfied. Use kola nuts after you get up so that you benefit from the energy throughout the day. You can take kola nut as tea or a capsule.

Kola nut

5. Ephedra

Ephedra is suitable for people who want a big boost in energy. The plant contains the substance ephedrine, which has a similar effect to caffeine. However, ephedrine is more powerful. It increases your heart rate and therefore your blood pressure. This makes you feel more energetic, clear and active. Your body temperature rises and the bronchi dilate. This gives you more energy and the effects last for a long time.

But be careful when using ephedra. Do not take too much ephedra. If you take too much, you can experience palpitations, agitation, insomnia and a shaky feeling. It is better not to use it for too long, as there is a risk of high blood pressure. We therefore recommend that you only use small doses. Ephedra falls under the Medicines Act and may therefore not be sold as a nutritional supplement. But seeds are allowed, so you you can grow your own plant.The branches and leaves can be picked and dried to make a stimulating tea.
