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Last updated on: 15 April 2024
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Magic truffles are fantastic for a magical psychedelic trip. In the ultimate magic truffle guide you can read everything about buying, choosing, using and growing magic truffles. After reading this guide you will know how to get the best trip and which magic truffles you should buy for this. The ultimate magic truffle guide consists of several chapters that answer all your questions about truffles.

What are magic truffles (sclerotia)?

Magic truffles help you see the world through different eyes. They give you a trip, even if you only use a small amount. Contrary to what the name suggests, magic truffles are actually not sclerotia at all. Magic Truffles are mind-altering and hallucinogenic drugs. What are known as magic truffles are in fact underground growing mycelial thickenings of psilocybe mushrooms. This is officially called sclerotia but magic sclerotia are also known as 'Philosopher's Stones'.

Where can I buy magic truffles?

You can order Magic truffles online at the online smartshop Choose from the different types of magic truffles that are available and decide how many grams you want to order. These are shipped fresh and vacuum packed so that you can enjoy the ultimate trip.

Once you receive the magic truffles, you can eat them right away. They are ready to use and you don't need to prepare anything. Convenience serves people. It is wise to use a scale to determine the right dose for the ultimate trip. Because you can order magic truffles online, you can buy them regardless of the city where you are located. So whether you live in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven or Groningen, you can buy your magic sclerotia from us.

magic truffles

Magic sclerotia abroad

It is no surprise that Magic Truffles are popular in the Netherlands. But did you know that sclerotia are also abroad and in particular in Spain, Germany, France, Belgium? and Poland are very popular. The Magic Truffle is the new trend abroad. The miraculous magical natural effects that the magic truffle brings is why the demand from abroad is very high.

Difference mushrooms and truffles

In 2008 magic mushrooms were banned in the Netherlands. Magic truffles do not fall under the law and regulations. Good thing, too. As a result, the magic truffle has been on the rise in the Netherlands for years. The effects of magic truffles are comparable to those of magic mushrooms. That's why many smartshops have the mushrooms from the shelves but replaced by magic truffles.

The trip you get from truffles is similar to the trip from magic mushrooms. The reason for this is that they both contain the same amounts of psychoactive substances. Both truffles and magic mushrooms contain psilocybin, psilocin and baeocystin/norbaeocystin. The only difference between magic mushrooms and magic sclerotia is in the appearance. They look essentially different and one lives above ground and the other below ground.

An additional advantage of magic sclerotia is that they are consistent in the amount of psychoactive substances they contain. With magic mushrooms, this can sometimes differ between the different harvests. This means that truffles can also be dosed much better. As mentioned, the sale of magic mushrooms is no longer allowed in the Netherlands. Yet you can still enjoy magic mushrooms. It is allowed to sell mushroom spores and mushroom grow kits. With this you can grow your own magic mushrooms. Difficult? No, that is very simple and much more satisfying. Read all about it in our article about mushroom grow kits.

Are Magic Truffles legal?

Yes, magic truffles are completely legal in the Netherlands. In 2008 magic mushrooms were banned in the Netherlands, but truffles are legal. This is because magic mushrooms and magic sclerotia are not the same. Truffles do not officially belong to the mushrooms and therefore do not fall under the Opium Act.

Magic truffles are a by-product of magic mushrooms. They contain no demonstrably harmful substances and are therefore completely legal. Truffles are also not prone to addiction. This is because the effect cannot occur with dailyuse. Growing truffles is allowed in the Netherlands. As well as possessing and using sclerotia. 

How do magic truffles work?

Truffles contain psychoactive substances. These substances make your brain work in a different way. Reality changes and you see the world through different eyes. Space, time, environment, feelings and perception are experienced differently. This means that you will interpret colors and sounds differently, but you will also experience touch differently.

All this is because truffles contain psilocin and psilocybin, among other things. This is why you experience a trip. The trip you experience comes in waves. One moment is more intense than the next.

truffles magisch

Magic truffle varieties

There are different types of truffles. The effects of these sclerotia are therefore different. Each type of truffle has a different effect and intensity, but the amount you consume also plays a role.

The most famous magic truffles are:

  • Psilocybe Mexicana
  • Psilocybe Atlantis
  • Psilocybe Tampanensis
  • Psilocybe High Hawaiians

Are magic truffles that are ideal for beginners. If you have never used these before, this is the best choice for you. You can order these magic truffles online from us under the name High Hawaiians

Psilocybe Mexicana

The Psilocybe Mexicana are strong at evoking light visual trips. Do you want to see bright colors and above all feel happy? Then this is the right choice for you. You can find these magic truffles on our website under the name Flesh of the God.

Psilocybe Galindoii

Want very strongest visual experience of magic truffles? Then you choose Mushrocks. These sclerotia are very intensive. You can order them from us under the name Mushrocks.

Psilocybe Tampelandia

The topper from our range. The Psilocybe Tampelandia is the most visual magic truffle. If you order these truffles, you are getting ready for kaleidoscopic visions. We offer you these magic truffles under the name High Hawaiians.

Magic sclerotia Atlantis

The atlantis truffles are very suitable for the average user, and therefore not for the beginner of sclerotia. They give an average trip but with strong visuals. Above all, it gives you a good and euphoric feeling. A real high. Fortunately, the taste of this truffle is not that bad. The magic truffles called Atlantis are originally from America. In the state of Georgia to be exact.

Magic Truffles Dutch Dragon

For experienced trippers, the Dutch Dragon truffles can take you to the next level. These sclerotia give a strong to very strong trip that has a long-lasting effect. It has an intense and intense effect where colors come to life. Strong hallucinations therefore regularly occur with the Dutch Dragon truffles.

Psilocybe Pajateros

These very strong magic truffles are only suitable for experienced users. That's because these feel like Psilocybe Tampanensis with steroids on it. You feel bigger than the gods and can expect a very strong visual trip. We sell these truffles under the name Dragon's Dynamite but are also known as Giant Truffles. These magic sclerotia have their origin in Guatemala.


Store magic truffles

You can store fresh sclerotia for a month. It is best to store these in the refrigerator at a temperature between 4 and 6 degrees Celsius. Dried truffles can be stored for 6 months. For this, however, they must be packaged moisture-free, air-free. So vacuum packing. Also with dried truffles it is important that you store them in a dark, cool and dry place, but do not put them in the refrigerator.

Fresh and dried magic truffles

It is important to know the difference between the two because this says a lot about the strongest in terms of dosage. Magic truffles consist of about 50% water. When you dry them, this weight decreases by 50%. So if you go for 10 grams of fresh truffles, this is equivalent to 5 grams of dried sclerotia. This means that 10 grams of dried sclerotia are twice as strong as 10 grams of fresh sclerotia. Be careful when choosing the right amount of magic truffles.

What are the effects of magic truffles

Magic truffles can have a very powerful effect. The music could sound better, the colors could be a lot nicer. But it can also get a lot more intense. Visions, spiritual experiences, hallucinations. It's all possible with magic truffles. It therefore depends on the amount you take and which type.

A magic truffle trip lasts between 4 and 6 hours. After eating 5 to 15 grams of magic sclerotia, you start to notice the first effects after about 45 minutes. This often starts with visual and auditory hallucinations in waves. After 2 hours you will experience the peak of your trip. That means that at that moment you can also see things come to life. Think gnomes from the garden that come to life, plants can get legs and walk or the chair can float.

Do magic truffles have a hallucinatory effect?

In wave movements, the effect of magic truffles comes in one moment more intense than the next. You will notice that the effects of the trip vary during the trip. Some trips make you feel like the music you're listening really comes to life. You feel the music in every fiber of your body and the song you've known for years sounds much more intense than ever before. Colors are bright and the red painting on the wall seems to have found a new dimension of redness. You feel cheerful, you are exuberant, sociable and you roll on the floor laughing.

The next time you have a trip where you are more introverted. Think about life in ways you haven't before. The truffles appeal to your philosophical thoughts, but when you want to express them, you don't quite get out of your words. You are so lost in thought that everything is clear but communication is not as fluid as usual. So every trip is different, but in the end it all comes down to rejecting blockages and reinforcing feelings that are already inside you. Everything becomes more intense. Sometimes this can even lead to hallucinations.

With magic sclerotia you experience everything around you more intensively. Your senses become more sensitive to all the stimuli in the world. Colours, smells, sounds, feelings, but also yourself. This is because you can relax completely with magic sclerotia. When using magic truffles you often see that the user experiences a lot of laughter kicks. In addition to the amount and type of truffle you consume, there are also other influences that determine how your trip goes. The effect is also determined by the environment and the mood of the user.

As with alcohol, the contents of your stomach also influence the effect of the magic truffles. You get the best results with an empty stomach. Chewing well is therefore important for an optimal trip. The mood of the user matters. When you are in a slump or gloomy, the use of magic truffles can lead to a bad trip more quickly. The environment can also have an influence. A quiet, safe and familiar environment is definitely recommended.

natural truffles

How often can I eat magic truffles?

Magic truffles have great effects but daily consumption is not possible. The reason for this is that the effect of the magic truffles will decrease as a result. You quickly build up a tolerance to psychedelic substances. This reduces the effects of magic truffles. That means that you have to eat a lot more truffles on the second day for it to have an effect. The third day it is already practically impossible to have a perceptible effect.

When you leave the magic truffles for 5 days, your body is ready again. When you take sclerotia again after day 5 you will see that you have another great experience as if you were taking psychedelic substances for the first time.

How many truffles should I take?

Are you taking magic truffles for the first time? Then it is recommended to start with 7 to 10 grams. An average user takes 10 to 15 grams of magic truffles for a trip.

Tips magic truffles

If you are going to use magic truffles, we have the following tips for you.

  • When you are going to use magic truffles, it is important that you take the time for this.

  • It is important to be aware that all feelings are temporary. Especially when you feel restless or anxious.

  • Avoid dehydration, so drink plenty of water.

  • Make sure a sober person is present on your trip. This one can calm you down when you have a bad trip.

  • Using alcohol before or during your trip increases the chance of a bad trip

  • Blowing during your trip will prolong and amplify your trip.

  • Do not participate in traffic during a trip, because you can react less quickly and you cannot estimate depth and distances properly.

  • The day after the trip you may experience fatigue.

  • Trip stopper


  • Do you suffer from psychosis or schizophrenia? Then don't use truffles.

  • Do you feel anxious, do you suffer from stress or are you depressed, do not use truffles until you feel good about yourself again.

  • Do not use truffles when taking medicines such as MAO-i, SSRI, etc.

  • If you are pregnant or younger than 18, do not use truffles.

  • Do not use truffles if you are breast-feeding.

  • Do not combine truffles with drugs or alcohol.

  • Do not use truffles if you have heart disease or epilepsy.

royal magic truffles

Use of magic truffles

In general, you eat magic truffles raw. However, there are also other ways to consume truffles. This way you can make tea from sclerotia. When you make tea from magic truffles, it works faster. The effect is also more intense when you make tea from it. However, it is not possible to smoke truffles. The amount of sclerotia you take is an important indicator of the severity of your trip.

The amount of truffles we recommend for experienced users:

  • For a mild trip use 10 grams

  • For an intense trip 15 grams

  • For a heavy trip 25 grams

If you are a new user of Magic Truffles, start with a lower dose. Also pay attention to the type of sclerotia you choose. We only recommend the use of 15 grams to experienced users. Pay attention to this, especially when you opt for more intense truffle varieties.

The amount of truffles we recommend for beginners:

  • Use 5 grams for a mild trip

  • Use 10 grams for an intense trip

  • Use 15 grams for a heavy trip

Taste of magic truffles

Some describe the taste of magic truffles as walnut-like, but very often people simply find it dirty. There are plenty of examples that it even attacks the stomach and that this leads to vomiting. That is why there are many ways in which you can consume magic truffles. For example, tea is regularly drawn from it. The so-called truffle tea or magic tea. But you can also process it in a pudding or turn it into a magical peanut butter sandwich. You can actually go in all directions with it as long as you don't burn the sclerotia. So boiling water or in the pan or oven will not benefit your trip. This is at the expense of the psychoactive substances.

For all this, and also for better consumption of raw truffles, the use of a truffle grinder is really a godsend. This turns the somewhat hard truffles into a kind of creamy paste. At least, it makes very small pieces of the sclerotia. This ensures that the psychoactive substances are released properly. The smaller you make the magic truffles, and if you eat them raw, the better you chew, the more intense the trip you will experience. That is why the truffle grinder is very popular among magic truffle users.

Magic truffles and drug testing

When you have used the powers of magic truffles, this can be seen in your urine. This can remain visible in your urine for up to two days after use.

Why should you take magic truffles?

Taking magic truffles is above all a fun and positive experience that shows you the world in a different way. Much more intense than you're ever used to.


  • Colors are more intense, brighter and more beautiful

  • You experience sounds deeper, more immersive and more intense

  • Touches are more intense

  • Visual hallucinations

  • Distorted the world around you

  • Multiple laughter kicks

  • You are absorbed in thoughts, philosophical experiences

  • Feelings that you normally don't experience come to life

  • You relax feel cheerful and energetic

Disadvantages of taking sclerotia

Although it doesn't happen often, some trips are also less positive. This all has to do with the mood of you as a user and the environment you are in. This should feel safe and familiar.

Possible negative effects:

  • Headache

  • Nauseous

  • Stomach and intestinal complaints

  • Restless

  • Dry mouth

  • Feeling cold or warm

  • Reinforce negative feelings

  • Less control over behavior and expressions of emotion

Therefore, only take magic truffles when you are comfortable in your own skin and you feel good. Psychedelic sclerotia enhance the feelings you have. If they are negative, this is more pronounced after using sclerotia. A bad trip is annoying but almost never dangerous. In any case, the psychoactive substances are not harmful. The behavior after taking sclerotia can be dangerous because you are less inhibited. However, that rarely happens. That is why we recommend that you always have someone present during your trip in a sober state. One thing you should not forget, the trip is always temporary in nature. So even a bad trip just goes away. The sober person can make you aware of this during your trip.

truffle sporen

Bad trip

When you suffer from a bad trip, negative thoughts during your trip, you can do something about it. Yes, you are in a mind-altering situation but you still have the power to influence your own thoughts. When you experience a bad trip, you can convince yourself that the trip will soon end. The effect is only temporary and therefore nothing to worry about.

You can do two things at that moment. You can embrace the feeling and investigate where this feeling comes from. The feelings you experience are more intense and are therefore within you. You are uninhibited and can therefore go much deeper into yourself than you are used to. Perhaps this allows you to place and even solve these negative feelings much better.

The other thing you can do is the same as in reality. Distract. Television, music and other forms of distraction can help enormously with this. The trip comes in waves of intensity and so you can use these waves to catch another good wave.

Blowing during your trip

When you during yourmagic truffles trip starts smoking then your trip can be extended. The trip can also become more intense. However, we do not recommend doing this!